Well, it is Summer and the heat is here. I hope you all enjoy the weather, but take care with enough fluids and sunscreen!
This month we'll be meeting for our annual picnic at Aga's home in Philomath. She has graciously offered her space and since she travels to Eugene every month for meetings we thought it only fair to reciprocate! This will be a relaxing, fun evening, so please plan to join us! *We will be carpooling so you won't have to drive...or maybe you would like to drive and have room for a few passengers? Let Kay or Robin know if you need a ride or would like to drive. (Bring a lawn chair and your own adult beverage of choice.)
Congratulations to our newly elected officers and board for the coming year!
President: Cassandra Dare
Vice President: Kay Ewalt
Recording Secretary: Kim McBride
Treasurer: Aga Chomska
Past President: Robin Langkamp
Directors: Destiny Dawson, Marina Wrensch, Monique Macias
Give them your support, help and pat on the back for stepping up to lead our chapter during the 2022-23 year!
Now is the time to be signing up your golf teams and getting sponsors for our tournament on September 16th! Talk to your contacts about sponsoring a hole, the Swag Bags, Drink Cart, or a portion of the Lunch. There are many opportunities available...How about if every member brought in a golfer, a team or a sponsor...that would be awesome! They can sign up now and pay right on our website or print the form and send in a check! This is our main FUNdraiser each year, so we need all your help!
Start thinking or make plans now to attend the PNW Region Fall Conference in Bend! What a great way to attend a regional event! You see so much more of 'NAWIC' when you attend a regional or national conference!
Also, Plans are in the works to start a new NAWIC chapter in Central Oregon...Maybe even have the chartering at this conference! How cool is this?! They are still looking for enough new members to start the chapter...so do you have any contacts in that area, companies that you work with who may have someone that needs to join? Contact them or give their contact info to me and I'll get it to the committee!
Have a great (and safe) July 4th and we can't wait to see you all in Philomath on Wednesday, the 13th!
