All About the New NEHS Project

For January's monthly meeting, Tanner Perrine with Lease Crutcher Lewis came to speak with us on their new North Eugene High School project that is underway. Read below for information on this awesome project.
If you are interesting in bidding, or hearing more about this project, please attend the Zoom meeting coming up on January 21st. Meeting info can be found at the end of this article.
Toward a New North
The new North Eugene High School will have site work begin in 2020 and will open in 2023. The new high school will be a high-quality building designed for safety and security, efficiency and sustainability, and modern teaching and learning including career technical education. It will be built with a capacity of ~1,200 students, the same as the original building, to serve the current 1,000 student enrollment with room to grow.
The new school will be a community asset able to serve as a shelter after a natural disaster, with key areas built to an upgraded seismic standard and other resiliency upgrades.
After the new school is built, the current NEHS building will be renovated and repurposed. Although the 1957 facility and its small classrooms are outdated for a modern high school, the building is still usable space and can be refurbished to serve other school programs well.
Design & Build
The new North Eugene High School building will be designed by the team of Rowell Brokaw Architects of Eugene in association with Opsis Architecture of Portland.
As of May 2020, the North Eugene High School design team is about finished with the schematic design phase. The design process began with the program confirmation phase, with the design team reviewing 4J visioning, planning, public outreach and facilities documents developed in preparation for the bond projects. The team also assessed the property to identify opportunities and considerations for site design.
Based on districtwide visioning and planning documents and program confirmation, the design team developed a list of design considerations to evaluate how effectively the design aligns with 4J’s goals. The team has developed and reviewed various design concepts with these goals in mind. Through this review, a few important themes have emerged, including minimizing impact to neighbors and being a positive community asset; safe and clear site circulation; centralized building layout to strengthen the school community and aid in wayfinding and security; and providing usable quality outdoor space. The current concept of a two-story building around single centralized courtyard supports these themes and will continue to be refined as design progresses.
About the Project
• Architect team: Rowell Brokaw Architects / Opsis Architecture
• General contractor: Lease Crutcher Lewis
• Capacity: ~1200 students
• Existing building history: Constructed in 1957
About the School Bond Measure
In November 2018, voters in Eugene School District 4J resoundingly passed a $319.3 million school bond measure to fund improvements at every 4J school, and replace three aging school buildings with high-quality facilities built for school safety, sustainability, modern seismic standards, and 21st century education. The improvements include new student technology, updated instructional materials, accessibility and equitability enhancements, security upgrades, and building repairs.
North Eugene High School Zoom Meeting
Topic: North Eugene HS - Informational Meeting
Time: 1/21/2021 @ 10:00 am
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 939 8665 6628
Passcode: 180313
Dial by your location:
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Thank you Tanner and Ashlee for taking time out of your day to come speak to us about your awesome project!